What is it about Brains and Hard Drives being synonyms in their own unique way? To correlate these two components, let me share with you some life games I was participating in;
A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks and I attribute this to the coming time of re-birthing. Re-birthing is about accepting in a new way of Life and receiving the beauty of prosperity.
Crashing game: I had the amazing experience of having my hard drive go dead, on my main computer. This became a two week adventure. A hard drive in a computer is the same kind of vessel as the brain in our bodies. So to me, I correlated these two aspects as my opportunity to allow my brain to crash and let go of all the poisoned components inside it.
By hearing this as a message from my Fabulous Self, I made a decision to let my world fall out as I knew it to be. I became open to receive a new and more in-sync processing system in my brain, while my computer was being enhanced. I simply unplugged.
With the enormous help of my wonderful techie friends, I was directed, educated, empowered and able to put the computer into working order, once again. But this time it’s bigger and stronger. And while my computer was receiving its new brain, I was simultaneously allowing my brain to release, re-evaluate, decipher and rebuild itself.
Tug-a-war game: I found out that My Brain was on over-drive and I was burning at two
opposite ends of the experiencing spectrum. On one end, I had the Knowings of what this Life is about and its magnificence of being a Spirit playing inside my Human body, so I can relish each and every part of what I have here for me. And on the other end of it, I thought I had some kind of control of situations and what should happen for me. A huge pull was going on here! I realized I was still in fear of letting go of what was painful to me, because these feelings were VERY familiar in my already created world. This dynamic kept me away from my Happiness valve and clear hearing abilities.
I had these beliefs emitting so strongly that I got to experience it first-hand and yikes was that not a feel good. I felt the way my body responded on the inside and outside of it; depleted and debilitated. There was no real way to participate in these two positions simultaneously, but I was. It was both super confusing and the ‘norm’ for me, all at the same time. This conflicting space was the indicator that I was WAY off balance with the flow of Love, Fun and Happiness.
When you DON’T Know you don’t know!
CHIEF game in play: For many years I’d been asking what IT was that got me to feel that weak and victimized in situations like this. I figured out that IT was me participating in the Con game, (painful manipulation: deception, lying and deflection), which meant that I still had those energies hanging in and around me.
With this Knowingness, I stopped, went to the mirror and boldly asked myself – ‘Hey girl! What’s up with this deceiving and lying to yourself stuff?’ And boy did I receive the play-by-play. Here are the words that were given to me; ‘Controlling an outcome is You telling your-Self you do not believe in what you Know. To not believe is the same as lying to yourself. And lying to yourself is the opposite of Loving yourself.’ So, paradoxically, I was asking to receive the Love of Me and also telling it how to make this happen.
Awesomeness: It took me a minute or two to fully accept the words and genuineness of what was in front of me, but I did. And because I did, I was brought to the most Stupendous Awareness, Clarity, Calmness and a deeper connection to my-Self. I get the IT and I trust my inner radar so much more now. Amen!
One may say it’s sad that these kinds of things happen in and around us, but not me. I am expressing my full Appreciation for this crash. Within the past couple of weeks, I’ve learned tons about me, Life’s powerfully Loving intentional flow and process, and Inner trust.
ALL is Fabulous and enhanced with both my computer crash and my emotional brain chaos!
Parallels: As you can see a hard drive and a brain are synonymous in functionality. They both are needed to allow their vessel to work, process, decipher and communicate powerfully with its entire body. Voila!
APPRECIATION TIME! With the computer (hard drive) crash, brain silliness of control and every blessing I received from the people involved to assist me in getting here today – I Thank You! I Love and Bless You for your participation with me! Hugs to You!
RE-BIRTHING: A NEW game plan – I can honestly say that my brain has been enhanced and rebooted with a new way of Being. I am accepting the flow of starting from the beginning place of why I originally decided to partake in my world of energy movement and clarity of life. Playing with energies and sharing the Greatest parts of Your individuality is what’s Fun for me!
ConnectionROCKS!: My life has become an open vessel of Awareness and clarity since this inception. My biggest fears have come to the forefront, allowing me to leave the yucky games behind and start playing with more Love and Fun. I am gently embracing the innocence of my Being, and am enjoying my participation in the sharing and encouraging game with others.
Playfully engaging in LIFE by Em-powering the Self, and all its innuendos (having fun guiding us), is my life’s purpose. Connecting to Our personal Greatness is what living as Us Humans is ALL about!
FYI: We are here co-creating with many others to experience and meander with the contrasts that come our way, in order to become clearer about what’s eagerly waiting for us to Plug In to and participate with. We are each unique individuals mixing up normalness and I GET TO look at life from a broader perspective with a Smile. This is all about the Joy of Living!
I encourage each of you to take some time and enjoy the energies of letting go and Re-birthing!
Let’s play Energies together soon!
Love to ALL! Nancy Kroner, aka The Energy Lady
Awesome! I was listening to an interview with actor-writer Ethan Hawke today, and he said that PLAYFULNESS is what keeps him sane in a job that has him take on different personalities. It’s a recurring theme! Great job tapping into it and rebooting yourself.
Thank you Malayna! I truly Love how ALL things are connected and we get to play with the energies together. Once this blog came together, I meditated and released what was left. Boy oh boy is this an wild ride. It’s a lot more Fun having you join me as we put our hands up and say YEEHAH!
Wonderful, wow, holy moly, go you! Big appreciation for this message today, brought much clarity for the energies happening. Your posts are such a treat, so happy to get them!
Thank you my friend! I am interested in knowing more about how this relates to you, some time. Let’s embrace the re-birthing of our-Selves inside our Hearts!!!
Nancy, It was so nice running in to you a few weeks back at TJ’s! It had been some time. I took in what we had discussed and appreciated your insight as always!! Loved this blog, I appreciate your comprehension/perception on rebooting and rebirthing of our lives. I believe we all need to reboot at some point in our life and evaluate ! Maybe Springtime is that time to reboot/rebirth!! Thank you Nancy! Peace and Love to you!!
Hi Steph!
Yay on what you shared! So cool to have bumped into you also. I love the way it all works together by connecting us in the perfect time frame. It was wonderful to hear that you are as happy as you are with family and work. Such important parts we tend to discount and you’ve embraced them both. 🙂
And you are spot on about us needing to re-birth parts of us at times. Now is a great time for many reasons and I am definitely embracing and trusting so much more.
I like that we get to be connected like this, even in the simplicity of the once in a while.
Keep your Smile on and Kiss the babies lots!!!!
Hey Nancy! You have the IT! Loved connecting with you and Robin today and feel we are certainly on the same wave length. Love your blog story above and I hope you are going to write a book someday. Boy do we have things to get together on! See you on the 7th at Sue Brooke’s Mastermind! <3 Fran