What does it take to…
…Change the trajectory of LIFE as you see it today??
This message came back to me the other day and I HAD TO SAY IT OUT LOUD!! Many moons ago someone said these words to me and had me hear them. I believe with with my whole Beingness and I still got side-tracked…because I simply am not ‘perfect’.
What I DO KNOW is that I got to feel the BIG results from swinging from one side of the mindset to the other.
What doesn’t work for me, and hasn’t for a long time, is the ‘blaming, shaming and guilting’ that goes on so much more than the Honoring and Accepting of others living their own lives.
My own shifting in this is to see my part and why I go to the Small Mind category. It’s, honestly, because it seems easier to DEFLECT on other people’s actions so I DONT have to look at My Own Goings-on. A cop-out of mine until I see it!!
AND with today’s world being in such a cluster-muck of WTFart I can see how easy it is to succumb to the crazy talk.
BUT IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD IN ANY WAY FOR ME, so I have had a step-left moment which brought me to this GREAT MINDS energies!!
My wish, always, is that by me sharing others can do some of the same goodness for themselves also!!
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